emer. o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Benedikt M. PÖTSCHER - Scientific Publications


1. Game Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Stability, (with I. M. Bomze), Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 324, Springer-Verlag: 1989
2. Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models: Asymptotic Theory, (with I. R. Prucha), Springer-Verlag: 1997


3. Some Results on omega(mu) -Metric Spaces, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis 25, 1982, 3-18. (Corrections, ibid. 28, 1985, 283.)
4. Identifiability and Inference in ARMA-Systems, (with M. Deistler and W. Ploberger), in O.D. Anderson (ed.), Time Series Analysis: Theory and Practice 2, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1982, 43-60
5. Order Estimation in ARMA-Models by Lagrangian Multiplier Tests, Annals of Statistics 11, 1983, 872-885. (Corrections, ibid. 12, 1984, 785.)
6. Uniqueness of the Transfer Function of Linear Systems from Input-Output Data, (with M. Deistler and J. Schrader), Metrika 31, 1984, 157-181
7. The Behaviour of the Likelihood Function for ARMA-Models, (with M. Deistler), Advances in Applied Probability 16, 1984, 843-865
8. The Behaviour of the Lagrangian Multiplier Test in Testing the Orders of an ARMA-Model, Metrika 32, 1985, 129-150
9. Moments and Order Statistics of Extinction Times in Multitype Branching Processes and their Relation to Random Selection Models, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 47, 1985, 263-272
10. Ordnungsschätzung in ARMA-Modellen, Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Statistik und Informatik 15, 1985, 62-74
11. A Class of Partially Adaptive One-Step M-Estimators for the Nonlinear Regression Model with Dependent Observations, (with I.R. Prucha), Journal of Econometrics 32, 1986, 219-251
12. Introduction to Special Issue 'Modeling Problems in Econometrics', (with M. Deistler), Applied Mathematics and Computation 20, 1986, 197-199
13. A Generalization of Urysohn's Metrization Theorem and its Set-theoretic Consequences, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 22, 1987, 457-461
14. Convergence Results for Maximum Likelihood Type Estimators in Multivariable ARMA-Models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 21, 1987, 29-52
15. Comments on 'Towards a Theory of Point Optimal Testing' by M.L. King, Econometric Reviews 6, 1987-88, 235-239
16. Model Selection by Multiple Test Procedures, (with P. Bauer and P. Hackl), Statistics 19, 1988, 39-44
17. Discriminating between two Spectral Densities in Case of Replicated Observations, (with E. Reschenhofer), Journal of Time Series Analysis 9, 1988, 221-224
18. Generic Uniform Laws of Large Numbers, (with I.R. Prucha), in: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Suppl.Vol. (eds.: S.Kotz and N.L. Johnson), J.Wiley & Sons: 1989, 67-69
19. A Uniform Law of Large Numbers for Dependent and Heterogeneous Data Processes, (with I.R. Prucha), Econometrica 57, 1989, 675-683
20. Convergence Results for Maximum Likelihood Type Estimators in Multivariable ARMA Models II, (with R. Dahlhaus), Journal of Multivariate Analysis 30, 1989, 241-244
21. Distribution of the Coates-Diggle Test Statistic in Case of Replicated Observations, (with E. Reschenhofer), Statistics 20, 1989, 417-421
22. Model Selection under Nonstationarity: Autoregressive Models and Linear Stochastic Regression Models, Annals of Statistics 17, 1989, 1257-1274.
23. Solution to Problem 88.3.1: Pseudo Orthogonality and Granger Causality in Dynamic Data, Econometric Theory 5, 1989, 456-458
24. Reply to Comments on 'Solution to Problem 88.3.1: Pseudo Orthogonality and Granger Causality in Dynamic Data', Econometric Theory 6, 1990, 291-292
25. Estimation of Autoregressive Moving Average Order Given an Infinite Number of Models and Approximation of Spectral Densities, Journal of Time Series Analysis 11, 1990, 165-179
26. Effects of Model Selection on Inference, Econometric Theory 7, 1991, 163-185
27. Letter to the Editor on 'The Impact of Model Selection on Inference in Linear Regression' by C.M. Hurvich and C.L. Tsai, American Statistician 45, 1991, 171-172
28. Basic Structure of the Asymptotic Theory in Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models, Part I: Consistency and Approximation Concepts, (with I.R. Prucha), Econometric Reviews 10, 1991, 125-216. (Reprinted in: Nonlinear Models , Vol I, H.Bierens & A.R.Gallant (eds.), The International Library of Critical Writings in Econometrics, Edward Elgar Publ. Ltd., Cheltenham, UK)
29. Basic Structure of the Asymptotic Theory in Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models, Part II: Asymptotic Normality, (with I.R. Prucha), Econometric Reviews 10, 1991, 253-326. (Reprinted in: Nonlinear Models, Vol I, H.Bierens & A.R.Gallant (eds.), The International Library of Critical Writings in Econometrics, Edward Elgar Publ. Ltd., Cheltenham, UK)
30. Reply to Discussion of 'Basic Structure of the Asymptotic Theory in Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models, Part I: Consistency and Approximation Concepts' and 'Basic Structure of the Asymptotic Theory in Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models, Part II: Asymptotic Normality', (with I.R. Prucha), Econometric Reviews 10, 1991, 349-358
31. Noninvertibility and Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified ARMA Models, Econometric Theory 7, 1991, 435-449. (Corrections, ibid. 10, 1994, 811.)
32. Batch Sequential Design for a Nonlinear Estimation Problem, (with W.Müller), in: V. Fedorov et al. (eds.), Model Oriented Data-Analysis, Physica-Verlag, 1992, 77-87
33. Letter to the Editor on 'On the Definition of an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy in the Playing the Field Model' by V.P.Crawford, (with I.M.Bomze), Journal of Theoretical Biology 161, 1993, 405
34. Solution to Problem 92.3.5: Efficiency of Maximum Likelihood, Econometric Theory 9, 1993, 535-536
35. Generic Uniform Convergence and Equicontinuity Concepts for Random Functions: An Exploration of the Basic Structure (with I.R.Prucha), Journal of Econometrics 60, 1994, 23-63
36. A Comparison of Order Estimation Procedures for ARMA Models, (with S.Srinivasan), Statistica Sinica 4, 1994, 29-50
37. On the Formulation of Uniform Laws of Large Numbers: A Truncation Approach, (with I.R. Prucha), Statistics 25, 1994, 343-360
38. On Gagnon's Critique of ARMA Models for Real GNP Growth, (with M.A.Hauser and E.Reschenhofer), Economic Notes 23, 1994, 125-129
39. Comment on 'Adaptive Estimation in Time Series Regression Models' by D.G.Steigerwald, Journal of Econometrics 66, 1995, 123-129
40. Comment on 'Assessment and Propagation of Model Uncertainty' by D.Draper, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 57, Series B, 1995, 86
41. Comment on 'The Effect of Model Selection on Confidence Regions and Prediction Regions' by P.Kabaila, Econometric Theory 11, 1995, 550-559
42. Comment on 'Model Uncertainty, Data Mining and Statistical Inference' by C.Chatfield, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 158, Series A, 1995, 461
43. Optional Skipping of Martingale Differences and Related Sequences, Metron 54, 1996, 31-36
44. The Distribution of Estimators after Model Selection: Large and Small Sample Results, (with A.J.Novak), Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 60, 1998, 19-56
45. Solution to Problem 97.4.2: Asymptotic Properties of the Least-Squares Estimator of the Variance in a Linear Model, Econometric Theory 14, 1998, 527-533
46. Measuring Persistence in Aggregate Output: ARMA Models, Fractionally Integrated ARMA Models and Nonparametric Procedures, (with M.A.Hauser and E.Reschenhofer), Empirical Economics 24, 1999, 243-269
47. Solution to Problem 98.1.2: Lower Eigenbound for AR(1) Disturbance Covariance Matrix, Econometric Theory 15, 1999, 156
48. Basic Elements of Asymptotic Theory, (with I.R.Prucha), in: B. Baltagi (ed.), A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics, Basil Blackwell, 2000, 201-229
49. The Variance of an Integrated Process Need Not Diverge to Infinity, and Related Results on Partial Sums of Stationary Processes, (with H. Leeb), Econometric Theory 17, 2001, 671-685
50. Uniform Convergence of Sample Second Moments of Families of Time Series Arrays , (with D.F.Findley and C.Z.Wei), Annals of Statistics, 29, 2001, 815-838
51. Lower Risk Bounds and Properties of Confidence Sets for Ill-posed Estimation Problems with Applications to Spectral Density and Persistence Estimation, Unit Roots, and Estimation of Long Memory Parameters, Econometrica 70, 2002, 1035-1065. Long version (working paper version)
52. The Finite-Sample Distribution of Post-Model-Selection Estimators, and Uniform Versus Non-Uniform Approximations, (with H. Leeb), Econometric Theory, 19, 2003, 100-142. long version (ps-file 573 kB)
53. Some Problems in Statistical Inference Following Model Selection , in: Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID-2003, Rotterdam, August 27-29, 2003
54. Contributions to Econometrics, Time Series Analysis, and Systems Identification: A Festschrift in Honor of Manfred Deistler, Guest Editorial (with I.R.Prucha), Journal of Econometrics 118, 2004, 1-5
55. Modeling of Time Series Arrays by Multistep Prediction or Likelihood Methods, (with D.F.Findley and C.Z.Wei), Journal of Econometrics 118, 2004, 151-187
56. Nonlinear Functions and Convergence to Brownian Motion: Beyond the Continuous Mapping Theorem, Econometric Theory 20, 2004, 1-22
57. Model Selection and Inference: Facts and Fiction, (with H. Leeb), Econometric Theory 21, 2005, 29-59
58. Performance Limits for Estimators of the Risk or Distribution of Shrinkage-Type Estimators, and Some General Lower Risk-Bound Results, (with H. Leeb), Econometric Theory 22, 2006, 69-97. (Corrections, ibid. 24, 2008, 581-583.)
59. Can One Estimate the Conditional Distribution of Post-Model-Selection Estimators ?, (with H.Leeb), Annals of Statistics 34, 2006, 2554-2591. long version
60. The Distribution of Model Averaging Estimators and an Impossibility Result Regarding Its Estimation, in: H.-C. Ho, C.-K. Ing and T.-L. Lai (eds.), Time Series and Related Topics: In Memory of Ching-Zong Wei. IMS Lecture Notes and Monograph Series, Vol. 52., 2006, 113-129
61. Bracketing Metric Entropy Rates and Empirical Central Limit Theorems for Function Classes of Besov- and Sobolev-Type (with R. Nickl), Journal of Theoretical Probability 20, 2007, 177-199
62. The ET-Interview: Professor Manfred Deistler, Econometric Theory 23, 2007, 709-746
63. Recent Developments in Model Selection and Related Areas, (with H. Leeb), Econometric Theory, 24, 2008, 319-322
64. Can One Estimate the Unconditional Distribution of Post-Model-Selection Estimators ?, (with H.Leeb), Econometric Theory, 24, 2008, 338-376. full text as PDF file
65. Sparse Estimators and the Oracle Property, or the Return of Hodges' Estimator, (with H.Leeb), Journal of Econometrics 142, 2008, 201-211
66. Model Selection, (with H.Leeb), in: T.G. Andersen, R.A. Davis, J.-P. Kreiss and T. Mikosch (eds.), Handbook of Financial Time Series, Springer-Verlag, 2008, 889-925. full text as PDF file
67. Comment on 'Approximating Data' by P.L. Davies, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 37, 2008, 227-229
68. On the Distribution of the Adaptive LASSO Estimator, (with U. Schneider), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2009, 2775-2790.
69. On the Distribution of Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimators: The LASSO, SCAD, and Thresholding, (with H. Leeb), Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100, 2009, 2065-2082
70. Confidence Sets Based on Sparse Estimators Are Necessarily Large, Sankhya 71-A, 2009, 1-18. full text as PDF file
71. Confidence Sets Based on Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimators, (with U. Schneider), Electronic Journal of Statistics 4, 2010, 334-360.
72. Efficient Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimation and Indirect Inference, (with R. Nickl), Mathematical Methods of Statistics 19, 2010, 327-364
73. Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Density Estimation and Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimators, (with Florian Gach), Mathematical Methods of Statistics 20, 2011, 288-326.
74. Distributional Results for Thresholding Estimators in High-Dimensional Gaussian Regression Models, (with Ulrike Schneider), Electronic Journal of Statistics 5, 2011, 1876-1934.
75. On the Order of Magnitude of Sums of Negative Powers of Integrated Processes, Econometric Theory 29, 2013, 642-658 - supplementary material
76. On Various Confidence Intervals Post-Model-Selection, (with Hannes Leeb and Karl Ewald), Statistical Science 30, 2015, 216-227
77. On Size and Power of Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Robust Tests, (with David Preinerstorfer), Econometric Theory 32, 2016, 261–358.
78. On the Power of Invariant Tests for Hypotheses on a Covariance Matrix, (with David Preinerstorfer), Econometric Theory 33, 2017, 1–68. full text as PDF file, supplementary material
79. Testing in the Presence of Nuisance Parameters: Some Comments on Tests Post-Model-Selection and Random Critical Values, (with Hannes Leeb), in S. Ejaz Ahmed (ed.), Big and Complex Data Analysis: Methodology and Applications, Springer, 2017, 69-82. full text as PDF file
80. Controlling the Size of Autocorrelation Robust Tests, (with David Preinerstorfer), Journal of Econometrics 207, 2018, 406-431. full text as PDF file
81. Valid Confidence Intervals for Post-Model-Selection Predictors, (with François Bachoc and Hannes Leeb), Annals of Statistics, 47, 2019, 1475-1504. full text as PDF file
82. Discussion on “Model Confidence Bounds for Variable Selection” by Yang Li, Yuetian Luo, Davide Ferrari, Xiaonan Hu, and Yichen Qin (with Hannes Leeb and Danijel Kivaranovic), Biometrics 75, 2019, 407-410.
83. Further Results on Size and Power of Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Robust Tests, with an Application to Trend Testing, (with David Preinerstorfer). Electronic Journal of Statistics 13, 2019, 3893-3942.
84. How Reliable are Bootstrap-based Heteroskedasticity Robust Tests?, (with David Preinerstorfer). Econometric Theory 39, 2023, 789-847.
85. Valid Heteroskedasticity Robust Testing, (with David Preinerstorfer). Econometric Theory, forthcoming. full text as PDF file.
86. Introduction to the Special Issue "High-Dimensional Time Series in Macroeconomics and Finance", (with L. Sögner and M. Wagner), Econometrics 12(1):6, 2024.
87. A comment on: "A Modern Gauss-Markov Theorem", (with David Preinerstorfer). Econometrica 92, 2024, 913-924, forthcoming. Long version. Related paper

Papers Submitted

88. A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Size Controllability of Heteroskedasticity Robust Test Statistics (with D. Preinerstorfer), November 2024.

Other Unpublished Papers

89. Non-numerical Distance Functions in Topology, a Survey and Bibliography Furnished with Short Notes and Comments on Most of the Papers Listed Herein, (with H.-C. Reichel and R. Schmid-Zartner), Dept. of Mathematics Working Paper, University of Vienna, 1985
90. Consistency in Nonlinear Econometrics: A Generic Uniform Law of Large Numbers and Some Comments on Recent Results, (with I.R. Prucha), Dept. of Economics Working Paper No. 86-9, University of Maryland, 1986
91. Solution to Problem 93.1.3: Efficiency as Correlation, Mimeo, 1993
92. Learning Trigonometric Polynomials from Random Samples and Exponential Inequalities for Eigenvalues of Random Matrices, (with K.Gröchenig and H.Rauhut), manuscript 2007. Arxiv. full text as PDF file
93. A Modern Gauss-Markov Theorem? Really? (with David Preinerstorfer), February 2022, Arxiv. full text as PDF file.
94. Comments on B. Hansen's Reply to "A Comment on: `A Modern Gauss-Markov Theorem'", and Some Related Discussion. Arxiv

Book Reviews

  • Stationary Sequences and Random Fields by M. Rosenblatt, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1985; Österreichische Zeitschrift fuer Statistik und Informatik 16, 1986.
  • Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, J. Franke, W. Härdle, D. Martin (eds.), Lecture Notes in Statistics, 26, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984; Österreichische Zeitschrift fuer Statistik und Informatik 16, 1986.
  • Time Series in the Time Domain, E. J. Hannan, P. R. Krishnaiah, M. M. Rao (eds.), Handbook of Statistics 5, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985; Monatshefte für Mathematik 103, 1987.
  • Nonlinear Statistical Models by A. R. Gallant, Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986; Econometric Theory 4, 1988.
  • Differentialspiele - die Analyse dynamischer Konfliktsituationen, Mathematical Systems in Economics, Band 95, Athenäum/Hain, Königstein/Ts.,1985; Österreichische Zeitschrift fuer Statistik und Informatik 18, 1988.
  • Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Equations Models by V. K. Srivastava and D. E. A. Giles, M. Dekker, New York, 1987; Monatshefte fuer Mathematik, 1989.
  • Correlation Theory of Stationary and Related Random Functions I, Basic Results by A. M. Yaglom, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1987; Österreichische Zeitschrift für Statistik und Informatik, 1990.
  • Introduction to Statistical Inference by J. C. Kiefer, Springer Verlag, N.Y., 1987, Österreichische Zeitschrift fuer Statistik und Informatik, 1990.
  • From Data to Model, by J. C. Willems (ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1989, Metrika, 1990.
  • Time Series Analysis by J. D. Hamilton, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994, Journal of the American Statistical Association 91, 1996, 439-440.